Our ROSY appeal is dedicated to delivering additional respite care to Oxfordshire's terminally ill, acute and chronically sick children, who are supported in their own homes. 

For parents and families, looking after their loved ones is a relentless 24/7 cycle of care. This is where Oxford Health Charity’s support through our ROSY appeal comes in. Our appeal funds a team of caregivers (nurses, health care assistants, etc.) who provide direct care to the children. 

All ROSY activities enhance statutory NHS care and enable more children and their families to receive important support and respite care. 

Our ROSY appeal relies entirely on the fundraising support and generosity of the public. If you would like to help us continue to provide this vital respite service, please:

  • follow the above link to our ROSY donation page to donate online. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can help even us further by registering for Gift Aid which will enable us to claim an additional 25% at no extra cost to you!
  • consider holding a fundraising event in support of ROSY. Please get in touch with the charity team to discuss your event idea or follow the fundraising link above.

Thank you for your support.