News News Green Spaces Appeal Donate Fundraise Oxford Health Charity and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust work hand in hand to support the provision of green spaces for patients, carers and staff. The Trust Green Plan and the Green Spaces Coordinator compliment the regular projects that the charity funds to enhance green spaces for wards, community settings and to introduce activities based on green goals. This might be through access to a ward garden, a vegetable patch or allotment, the beautiful Warneford meadow and wild flowers or it might be creating therapeutic activities in these spaces for people to take part in and explore. We work in partnership with local organisations to really make the most of the spaces we have and the community support for them - one great example of this has been the creation of the Abingdon Peace and Tranquility Garden at Abingdon Community Hospital alongside the team from Chiltern Rangers and co-funded by the Abingdon League of Friends. It is evidenced that having access to green spaces can aid recovery, calm anxiety and evoke memories for those suffering from dementia but these spaces are often the last on the list when it comes to essential funding. The Green Spaces Appeal provides an opportunity for you to change this and to make these places havens for those receiving care. Local group Good Gym have supported the development of a new allotment and garden site for wards at the Warneford Hospital. Manage Cookie Preferences