The Healthy Abingdon project was set up in 2017 and aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the town through connecting people and organisations.  The initial stages of the project were funded by a grant but to continue the development of the project, further funding was required.  Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust are a key member of the project and Ros Alstead, formerly Oxford Health's Director of Nursing, was one of the founding members.  OHC approved funding for the project to develop over the next two years and increase involvement of community members in health and wellbeing activities.  

Since receiving the funding, Healthy Abingdon have held a further public meetings, details of which can be found on their website and have initiated work to make Abingdon a dementia friendly town.  This included taking over a Community Free Space in Abingdon shopping centre during Dementia Week to raise awareness of dementia and dementia support available to individuals and carers (