We proudly supported our Community Heart Failure team who attended a tailor-made workshop on Breathlessness, which is one of the most devastating symptoms for heart failure patients to live with. 

Emma Stoppani, Heart Failure Nurse Specialist explained,

"Whilst there are medication changes we can make to improve breathlessness, at times and for some people this does not help.  Our team wanted to learn other methods that could assist patients in dealing with the very scary sensation of feeling out of breath at rest" 

The bespoke workshop, delivered by Kate Binnie, an expert in body-breath-mind intervention, enabled the teams to learn techniques and discuss how to integrate into the service delivered to Heart Failure patients throughout Oxfordshire.  

Here's what the team gained from the workshop

"Really good afternoon... I will certainly be trying to implement some of this with my patients"

"Such an informative afternoon which totally relates to our role and patient group"

"I have tried this technique on my patient and it worked really well it actually sent her off to sleep briefly, she was so relaxed."

"I found this informal session really useful and gave me a lot of food for thought about some of my patients that I may be able to apply the breathing exercise to."

Understanding Heart Failure with Brian Blessed

Actor Brian Blessed OBE is an ambassador for the British Society of Heart Failure and has made this short film about the condition.