On July 5th, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the NHS, Oxford Health Charity will be partnering with Orchestra of St. John's, Oxford Health Arts Partnership, and the Oxford Health Volunteering team to bring therapeutic joy through music throughout Oxfordshire at events bringing patients, carers and staff together on this important day.

"We are thrilled to partner with local musicians and organisations to bring the healing power of music directly to the hospital wards and teams," shared Julie Pink, Head of Charity and Involvement. "It is heartwarming to witness the smiles and uplifted spirits that music can evoke, fostering a sense of togetherness and hope for patients and their loved ones."

The events for staff and patients will be spread out throughout the day. 

  • Volunteer, Andy Simpson will be bringing country music through song and guitar to Abingdon Community Hospital Garden
  • The Mary-Lou Revue will be at Witney Community Hospital
  • Violinist, Ben Heaney will be at Bicester Community Hospital
  • Singer, Katie Humble will be at The Warneford Hospital staff picnic and later in the day at Wallingford Community Hospital
  • Orchestra of St John's, classical Indian singer, Trina Banerjee, will be at the Fulbrook Centre
  • Multi Instrumentalist, also from Orchestra of St Johns, Kate Wilkinson, will be at Didcot Community Hospital

Angela Conlan, from Oxford Health Arts Partnership said, this is a great way to mark the 75th anniversary of the NHS particularly with the knowledge that "Music has been found to improve mood and reduce stress while working, as well as improving levels of concentration, efficiency, enthusiasm and ordered working"* This celebratory initiative reminds us all of the profound impact the NHS has had on countless lives.

The concerts not only commemorate the remarkable achievements of the NHS over the past 75 years but also highlights the crucial role of the arts in healthcare settings. By harnessing the emotive and therapeutic qualities of live music to enhance the healing environment and promote holistic well-being.
The week of events will be rounded off with a small garden party for staff and patients at Cotswold House in Marlborough, where NHS Charities Together and Oxford Health Charity funding has enabled the installation of two garden pods in the last year.  



To support Oxford Health Charity and the Oxford Health Arts Partnership do more events like these - get involved in supporting them through fundraising.

* Fancourt D, Finn S. What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2019 (Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report 67)