The fantastic Rock Choir Oxfordshire embarked on a mystery bus tour this weekend. For the 108 strong group of singers, they boarded their tour buses excited to see where their journey was going to take them. Throughout the day they visited Millets Farm, Oxford Castle & Prison, DISH in Harwell and our very own Witney Community Hospital.

Rock Choir Oxfordshire gathering in a circle in Witney Community Hospital garden

The Rock Choir Oxfordshire group photo near Oxford Castle

Thankfully, the rain stayed away and staff and patients enjoyed their uplifting performance. Comments included: 

“Very uplifting, it was great!”

“Joyous as ever”

“It got everyone on the ward dancing and singing”

 You can catch their rendition of 'Hallelujah' here: 

 Angela Conlan, from our Oxford Health Arts Partnership, said “The Mystery Tour not only showcased the brilliant singers from the choir but also highlighted how music can bring therapeutic joy and improve mood for all, we really hope they will return to perform at the hospital again."

 Following the event, choir lead Krisha asked the ‘Rockies’ which was their favourite location, with Witney receiving favourable comments: 

“Singing in a circle in the garden at the hospital was extra special”

“The garden at Witney was nice, and I think we had an appreciative audience watching and listening from inside”

"I enjoyed all of them, especially around the flowers at Witney."

At each location they also placed an Oxford Health Charity fundraising bucket and raised £176.62 for us!

Rock Choir Oxfordshire with our fundraising buckets