We were approached by some of our adult mental health wards to provide funding to allow them to celebrate Nutrition and Hydration Week from 13-19 March 2023. Of course we agreed! 

A variety of patient activities were carried out from making fruit salads, smoothie tasting, healthy dip making and flapjacks, all whilst emphasising the importance of healthy eating and keeping hydrated.  

"Thank you for your support in enabling our ward to facilitate these fun and interesting activities for our patients. It was very successful! Staff were happy that we were offering patients something different and were also asking if we could do it more often."

"In our 'have your say' meetings, patients have now requested to have more fruit available for them to have on the tea trolley."

Nutrition and Hydration Week is an annual event with a shared objective to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally, and globally.